ZIWI Air-Dried Venison For Dogs | 風乾狗糧-鹿肉配方
風乾狗糧 鹿肉配方
Ziwi Peak風乾狗糧鹿肉配方選用單一動物蛋白,適合腸胃敏感或有過敏問題的狗狗,當中的鹿肉來自新西蘭本地農場,均以放養及草飼形式養大。
所有Ziwi Peak風乾糧/罐頭均蘊含完整且平衡的營養,適合所有生命階段——當然也意味著絕對適合幼犬/幼貓!
為了精益求精,Ziwi Peak在配方中加入了海帶乾,為產品添加天然的維他命及礦物質;亦加入了新西蘭綠唇貽貝,增添天然葡萄糖胺及軟骨素。
Ziwi Peak風乾狗糧鹿肉配方可能有助於:
- 改善消化
- 舒緩腸易激綜合症及慢性腸道炎症的症狀
- 改善食物過敏問題
- 體重管理
- 更健康的皮膚及毛髮
- 改善關節健康,增強活動能力
Air-Dried Venison
A novel, single-protein option, ideal for dogs with protein allergies or sensitivities. Ziwi Venison is sourced only from local New Zealand farms, ensuring the animals are free-ranging, grass-fed and finished.
All our ZIWI® Peak air-dried and canned recipes are complete and balanced for ALL life stages – that means puppies, too!
For the perfect finishing touch, we add kelp as a natural vitamin and mineral source, and New Zealand Green Mussel for natural glucosamine and chondroitin.
Ziwi Peak Air-Dried Venison may help promote:
- Improved digestion
- Reduced symptoms of IBS & IBD
- Decreased food allergy sensitivities
- Weight management
- Healthy skin and coat
- Joint health and mobility