
Hotel and Daycare Services
日托服務 Daycare Services
日托服務 Daycare Services
日托服務 Daycare Services
日托服務 Daycare Services
日托服務 Daycare Services
日托服務 Daycare Services
日托服務 Daycare Services
日托服務 Daycare Services

日托服務 Daycare Services

Looking for a spot for doggo to meet more friends and have a healthy social life?Looking for professionals to look after your pets while you are busy or away to take a break?
PET HK 寵物酒店及日托服務 半山區新店隆重登場!
PET HK Hotel Edition is the perfect choice for you !

  • 持牌專業寵物護理團隊 Licensed professional pet care team
  • 24小時全天候護理觀察系統 ⁠⁠24-hours CCTV system
  • 室內配備冷暖風及鮮風系統 Equipped with heating, cooling and fresh air system
  • 戶外設有專屬花園 The perfect doggo backyard
  • 每日基本清潔護理及檢查 Thorough health check-up and daily basic care
  • 生活照片定時更新 Whatsapp regular update
  • 專用車隊接送服務(⁠可加購) Point-to point pick-up and drop-off service (⁠add-on)
  • 專業寵物剪裝美容服務(⁠可加購) ⁠Professional pet grooming service (⁠add-on)
  • 預約時間 Services booking | 6360 0036
Exclusive for cats
  • 95x100x80cm 小房間
  • 190x100x80cm 大房間
  • 大房間最多容納三隻貓
  • 房間內設有貓架及抓板

  • 95x100x80cm Small room
  • 190x100x80cm Large room (Available for max. 3 cats)
  • Cat stand and scratcher provided

- 汪星人限定 FOR DOGS -


Standard Dog Room

  • 89x71x120cm 室內房間
  • 房間內提供食物碗,毛毯及床墊
  • 備有24小時的空調
  • 每日散步時間
  • 生活照片定時更新

  • 89x71x120cm Standard room
  • Food bowl, blanket and mat provided.
  • 24 hrs air-con system
  • Regular walking time
  • Whatsapp regular update


Premium Dog Room

  • 100x86x130cm 室內房間
  • 房間內提供食物碗,毛毯及床墊
  • 備有24小時的空調
  • 每日散步時間
  • 生活照片定時更新

  • 100x86x130cm Medium room
  • Food bowl, blanket and mat provided.
  • 24 hrs air-con system
  • Regular walking time
  • Whatsapp regular update


Deluxe Dog Room

  • 216x115x150cm 室內房間
  • 房間內提供食物碗,毛毯及床墊
  • 備有24小時的空調
  • 每日散步時間
  • 生活照片定時更新

  • 216x115x150cm Large room
  • Food bowl, blanket and mat provided.
  • 24 hrs air-con system
  • Regular walking time
  • Whatsapp regular update


本店每天入住時間為 14:00 - 19:00,退房時間為 10:00 - 12:00。提早入住或延遲退房將收取每小時港幣80元的寵物託管費。

Our daily check-in time is 14:00-19:00, and check-out time is 10:00-12:00. Early check-in or late check-out shall incur a hosting fee of HK$80 per hour.

  1. 入住寵物年齡必須為 6 個月或以上。
  2. 若入住寵物年齡達 10 歲或以上,需出示 1 個月內註冊獸醫身體檢查證明。若未能提供,本店可為寵物於入住前安排到(半山獸醫中心)進行身體檢查,經註冊獸醫認可其健康狀況後,方可寄養住宿於本店。入住寵物可享有優惠價 (HK$200.00) 的註冊獸醫檢查費用。
  3. 本店不接受 6 個月以下、懷孕中、手術後不足 14 天、需特殊醫療照顧、患有傳染病或長期病患之寵物入住。因上述狀況需長時間得到專人照顧,顧客應選擇有 24 小時醫療照顧之註冊獸醫診所暫託。若顧客入住前沒有如實申報,而入住後被發現以上相關狀況,PET HK 有權安排寵物到註冊獸醫診所暫託。一切衍生費用由顧客全部承擔,亦不會退還任何已繳付的寄養住宿費用。(犬隻傳染病包括但不限於腸病毒、腸炎、狗房咳、狗瘟、支氣管炎、肝炎、心絲蟲 、瘋狗症/貓隻傳染病包括但不限於感冒、白血病、愛滋、貓瘟)
  4. 若寵物對人或其他寵物具有攻擊性或類似情況,顧客於預約時如實告知,PET HK 職員會盡力配合及照顧。如若未有詳盡告知或蓄意隱瞞情況下導致美容師、護理員或在場其他人受到傷害,顧客需負責一切法律責任及賠償一切醫療及經濟損失,絕無異議。

  • The minimum age for boarding animals is 6 months.
  • Within one month of the boarding date, pets that will be ten years of age or older must submit a certificate of veterinarian medical examination. Our company can make arrangements for your pet's physical examination at the (Mid-Levels Veterinary Centre) at your convenience. Only after the veterinarian approves its health condition can it be fostered in our store. Boarding pets will be able to enjoy a discounted rate of $(200) for the veterinary consultation.
  • Rest assured, PET HK maintains strict health and safety standards. We do not accept pets under 6 months old, pregnant, less than 14 days after surgery, requiring special medical attention, or suffering from infectious diseases or chronic diseases. These conditions require dedicated care for a long time, and we believe it's best for them to be in a veterinary clinic with 24-hour medical care for temporary care. If the customer fails to declare these conditions before check-in and these conditions are discovered afterwards, PET HK has the right to arrange for the pet to be temporarily taken to a medical clinic. The customer will bear all derivative costs, and PET HK will not refund any of the accommodation fees. (Canine infectious diseases include but are not limited to enterovirus, enteritis, kennel cough, canine distemper, bronchitis, hepatitis, Heart Worm, and rabies. Feline infectious diseases include but are not limited to colds, leukemia, AIDS, and feline plague.)
  • Customers must be honest if their pet is hostile towards people or other pets, or if it has experienced a similar circumstance. PET HK staff will do their utmost to assist and take care of the pet. Suppose that the beautician, carer, or other individuals suffer injuries as a result of insufficient notification or concealment. In that case, the customer must compensate for all medical and economic losses without objection.
  1. 訂房日期確定後的2天內需繳付全部寄養住宿費用之總數,如未有繳付寄養住宿費用,PET HK 有權取消訂房而無需另外通知。
  2. 入住 14 天前可免費更改訂房日期一次,不足 14 天內更改需額外收取寄養住宿費用的20%為手續費。
  3. 顧客需要提早預約入住及退房日期及/或時間。如需變更入住或退房日期及/或時間,請於原定時間的一星期前提出要求,我們會視乎實際供應情況而定。
  4. 由於預約房間已作留位之用,在入住日14天或之前通知取消訂位的可退回 50% 寄養費用。14天内通知取消訂位的將不獲任何退款。提前退宿亦不予退款。
  5. 顧客在繳付寄養住宿費用前必須詳閱並簽署 【PET HK 寄養住宿條款與細則】及如實填寫【PET HK 寄養住宿入住表格】。顧客在繳付寄養住宿費後,即代表顧客明白及同意遵守PET HK 條款與細則及入住的各項協議。
  6. 顧客同意假期前後可能會出現附加費用,PET HK 有權不時更改寄養住宿費用及其他服務費用而無需另行通知。
  7. 顧客需要在入住首天繳付HK$1,000.00 現金為緊急情況備用金 (不得使用PET HK套票積分)。備用金會將於辦理退房時退回未用部分。
  8. 所有非 PET HK 住宿、美容、貨品及服務之費用,均不可使用PET HK套票積分扣除。
  • The total boarding fee must be paid within 2 days after the booking being confirmed. PET HK reserves the right to cancel the booking without further notice if the boarding fee is not paid in full.
  • You can change your booking once free of charge 14 days before the check-in date. Any changes of the booking within 14 days before the check-in date shall incur an additional handling fee equivalent to 20% of the total boarding fee.
  • It's crucial to agree on the check-in date and check-out date in advance. If you anticipate a need to change your check-in or check-out date, customers must submit their requests at least 7 days prior to the original check-in date/ check-out date and is subject to availability.
  • Since all rooms are reserved exclusively for customers upon booking being made, 50% of the boarding fee shall be refunded if you cancel the booking no less than 14 days prior to the check-in date. No refund shall be made for cancellations made less than 14 days prior to the check-in date. There will be no refund for early check-out.
  • Before proceeding with the payment of the boarding fee, it's essential that you have read and signed the [PET HK - Boarding Accommodation Terms and Conditions]. Additionally, please truthfully fill in the [PET HK - Boarding Check-in Form]. Upon payment of the boarding fee, you confirm that you have understood and agreed to abide by PET HK's terms and conditions and various boarding agreements.
  • Customers agree that additional fees may be chargeable prior to and after holidays, and PET HK reserves the right to change prices for rooms and services without further notice.
  • Customers are required to pay HK$1,000 in cash as an emergency fund on the check-in date (package points cannot be used). The unused portion of the reserve fund will be refunded upon check-out.
  • Packages points cannot be used to deduct any non- PET HK expenses.


  1. 犬隻必須完成接種3次DHPPiL疫苗,成年犬隻需接種每年一次DHPPiL加強疫苗。貓隻必須完成接種3次FVRCP疫苗,成年貓隻需接種每年一次FVRCP加強疫苗。
  2. 犬隻必須在入住前的三年內接種預防瘋狗症注射。
  3. 顧客必須於寵物入住前提供以上相關有效疫苗證明。
  4. 顧客必須確保寵物已植入晶片,並需於入住前提供晶片紀錄正本。
  5. PET HK 建議顧客為犬隻在入住前最少10天完成注射狗房咳預防針。
  6. 寵物需注射心絲蟲疫苗,或定期使用心絲蟲藥品。 (認可品牌:HeartGuard / Heska / Bravecto)
  7. 寵物入住前必須完成滴杜蝨藥水 ,顧客需拍下滴藥過程或提供藥水空樽以作證明。如未能提供,客人可自備或於本店購買並在入住前進行杜蚤後方可入住。(認可品牌:Frontline/ Revolution/ Selehold/ Nexgard / Broadline / Drontal / Profender / Stronghold )
  • Dogs must be vaccinated with the DHPPiL vaccine (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza, and Leptospirosis) three times, and adult dogs must receive a DHPPiL booster vaccine once a year. Cats must be vaccinated with the FVRCP vaccine (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia) three times, and adult cats must receive an FVRCP booster vaccine once a year.
  • Dogs must be vaccinated against rabies within the three years leading up to their reservation.
  • Customers must present a valid vaccination certificate for their pet at the time of check-in. This certificate should clearly state the type of vaccine, the date of administration, and the duration of its validity.
  • Customers must ensure that their dog has been microchipped and provide the original record before check-in.
  • PET HK recommends customers to vaccinate their dogs against kennel cough at least 10 days before check-in.
  • Dogs will need to be vaccinated against heart worm or taking heart worm medication regularly. (Approved brands: HeartGuard / Heska / Bravecto)
  • Pets must complete the application for lice drops before boarding. Customers are required to take photos of the dripping process as proof. If it cannot be provided, customers can bring their own or purchase it at our store and will need to be applied prior to check-in. (Approved brands: Frontline / Revolution / Selehold / Nexgard / Broadline / Drontal / Profender / Stronghold)