Show Beauty Care 秀亮潤濕護毛素
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- 平衡皮膚酸鹼度特性 (ph balanced)
- 不含藥性,酒精,矽等化學成份
- 加入維他命B5令毛髮強韌有彈性,效用持久
- 長期使用能減少毛髮在梳理中開叉和斷裂
- 加入維他命E
- 具有活性抗氧化功效
- 增強皮膚細胞健康
- 保護脆弱毛髮強韌有力加速毛髮生長
- 加入具有生態認證的摩洛哥堅果油
- 使毛髮更華麗輕盈
- 令毛髮強韌有彈性
- 有效防止毛燥
- 增強毛髮自然色彩
- Balanced skin pH properties (ph balanced)
- Does not contain chemical ingredients such as drugs, alcohol, silicon, etc.
- Add vitamin B5 to make hair strong and elastic, long-lasting effect
- Long-term use reduces split ends and breakage during grooming
- Add vitamin E
- Has active antioxidant properties
- Enhances skin cell health
- Protects fragile hair, strengthens and accelerates hair growth
- Infused with eco-certified argan oil
- Make hair more gorgeous and lighter
- Makes hair strong and elastic
- Effectively prevent frizz
- Enhances natural hair color
Smooth coat, suitable for double coat breeds
Origin: Malaysia
- Free Shipping over $280
客戶確認訂單後,一般會於2至5個工作天內收到貨品, 是乎地區而定。如送貨日為公眾假期,送貨安排有可能作出調動。