外遊日子擔心愛寵無人照顧?擔心愛寵缺乏社交? PET HK 寵物酒店及日托服務新店隆重登場!


  • 糧食/零食
  • 常用玩具
  • 常用飲食器皿
  • 有主人氣味的衣服
  • 藥物/防蟲用品 (如有)

  • Food / Snacks
  • Frequently played toys
  • Commonly used utensils
  • Clothes which have the smell of owner
  • Medicines / Insect repellent supplies (If any)

本店每天日托時間為 | Mon. - Fri. 09:30 - 19:30 / Sat. - Sun. 09:00 - 20:00

Official opening hours for daycare services | Mon. - Fri. 09:30 - 19:30 / Sat. - Sun. 09:00 - 20:00

  1. 訂房日期確定後的2天內需繳付全部寄養住宿費用之總數,如未有繳付寄養住宿費用,PET HK 有權取消訂房而無需另外通知。
  2. 入住 14 天前可免費更改訂房日期一次,不足 14 天內更改需額外收取寄養住宿費用的20%為手續費。
  3. 顧客需要提早預約入住及退房日期及/或時間。如需變更入住或退房日期及/或時間,請於原定時間的一星期前提出要求,我們會視乎實際供應情況而定。
  4. 由於預約房間已作留位之用,在入住日14天或之前通知取消訂位的可退回 50% 寄養費用。14天内通知取消訂位的將不獲任何退款。提前退宿亦不予退款。
  5. 顧客在繳付寄養住宿費用前必須詳閱並簽署 【PET HK 寄養住宿條款與細則】及如實填寫【PET HK 寄養住宿入住表格】。顧客在繳付寄養住宿費後,即代表顧客明白及同意遵守PET HK 條款與細則及入住的各項協議。
  6. 顧客同意假期前後可能會出現附加費用,PET HK 有權不時更改寄養住宿費用及其他服務費用而無需另行通知。
  7. 顧客需要在入住首天繳付HK$1,000.00 現金為緊急情況備用金 (不得使用PET HK套票積分)。備用金會將於辦理退房時退回未用部分。
  8. 所有非 PET HK 住宿、美容、貨品及服務之費用,均不可使用PET HK套票積分扣除。
  • The total boarding fee must be paid within 2 days after the booking being confirmed. PET HK reserves the right to cancel the booking without further notice if the boarding fee is not paid in full.
  • You can change your booking once free of charge 14 days before the check-in date. Any changes of the booking within 14 days before the check-in date shall incur an additional handling fee equivalent to 20% of the total boarding fee.
  • It's crucial to agree on the check-in date and check-out date in advance. If you anticipate a need to change your check-in or check-out date, customers must submit their requests at least 7 days prior to the original check-in date/ check-out date and is subject to availability.
  • Since all rooms are reserved exclusively for customers upon booking being made, 50% of the boarding fee shall be refunded if you cancel the booking no less than 14 days prior to the check-in date. No refund shall be made for cancellations made less than 14 days prior to the check-in date. There will be no refund for early check-out.
  • Before proceeding with the payment of the boarding fee, it's essential that you have read and signed the [PET HK - Boarding Accommodation Terms and Conditions]. Additionally, please truthfully fill in the [PET HK - Boarding Check-in Form]. Upon payment of the boarding fee, you confirm that you have understood and agreed to abide by PET HK's terms and conditions and various boarding agreements.
  • Customers agree that additional fees may be chargeable prior to and after holidays, and PET HK reserves the right to change prices for rooms and services without further notice.
  • Customers are required to pay HK$1,000 in cash as an emergency fund on the check-in date (package points cannot be used). The unused portion of the reserve fund will be refunded upon check-out.
  • Packages points cannot be used to deduct any non- PET HK expenses.