Dental Sea Jerky Fish Twists 海洋小食 魚皮擰擰條
Dental Sea Jerky Fish Twists 海洋小食 魚皮擰擰條

Dental Sea Jerky Fish Twists 海洋小食 魚皮擰擰條

Regular price $81.00 Sale price$60.00
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海洋小食 魚皮擰擰條


Fish4Dogs 營養潔齒點心 - 魚皮擰擰條

100%天然潔齒點心,在清除牙垢同時為寵物提供額外的魚油養分,促進皮膚、毛髮及關節健康,提昇愛犬的專注力和穩定度,緩和情緒,是低熱量、 高營養的健康點心!

  • 100%鱈魚皮製造
  • 粗糙質感有效清除牙垢
  • 富含天然Omega3
  • 不同形狀配合不同犬種需求


Dental Sea Jerky Fish Twists

product description

Fish4Dogs Nutritious Teeth Dessert - Fish Skin Twist

100% natural tooth cleaning snack, which removes tartar and provides additional fish oil nutrients for pets, promotes skin, hair and joint health, improves the dog's concentration and stability, and eases emotions. It is a low-calorie, high-nutrition healthy snack!

  • 100% cod skin
  • Rough texture effectively removes tartar
  • Rich in Natural Omega3
  • Different shapes meet the needs of different dog breeds

Origin: UK

  • Free Shipping over $280


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客戶確認訂單後,一般會於2至5個工作天內收到貨品, 是乎地區而定。如送貨日為公眾假期,送貨安排有可能作出調動。




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