K9 Natural - Beef Health Bites | 凍乾健康狗零食 - 牛肉 K9 Natural
K9 Natural - Beef Health Bites | 凍乾健康狗零食 - 牛肉 K9 Natural

K9 Natural - Beef Health Bites | 凍乾健康狗零食 - 牛肉

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  • 天然無菌生肉,和冷凍糧相同的配方,是營養齊全的天然主食罐
  • 全新鮮高肉類含量(狗糧90%,貓糧98%)膳食餐,不含肉粉及加工骨粉,低碳水化合物符合生物本質所需
  • 無榖物(包括小麥、米、玉米)以及木薯、大豆等填充料,防止寵物出現過敏
  • 絕不含食品添加劑、防腐劑凝膠、卡拉膠等可能傷害寵物身體的成份


  • 100% 新西蘭人類等級食材: 天然野外放牧草飼牛/羊/鹿、放養農場雞、可持續供應魚類與當季生鮮蔬果
  • 新西蘭政府出口食品安全認證


  • 改善皮膚搔癢、過敏問題,毛髮更濃密亮澤
  • 改善淚腺情況,眼睛更加明亮
  • 嘴巴與身體異味、糞便臭味降低
  • 贅肉減少,精實體態,關節問題減少
  • 容易消化吸收,排便量、腸胃脹氣減少
  • 加入新西蘭純淨水,使寵物吸收更多水份,降低尿道疾病的風險

Originated from New Zealand, well-known all over the world.
The most well-known freeze-dried pet food in over 25 countries around the world such as the United States and Australia.

Natural nutrients

  • Made using frozen pet food formula and using natural meat, this is nutrient dense staple food for your pet.
  • High meat content (up to 90% for canned dog food and 98% for canned cat food), without meat meal, bone meal, and low in carbohydrates which is what your pet needs.
  • No grain (including wheat, rice, corn) and cassava, beans and other fillers, preventing allergic reaction.
  • No additives, preservatives, carrageenan and other ingredients that may harm your pet.

Top-tier food

  • 100% human grade, New Zealand produced ingredients: Pasture raised, grass-fed cattle, sheep, venison and free range chicken, with sustainably fished seafood and fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Certified safe for export by the New Zealand government.

Better natural nutrition

  • Improves skin itching, allergies, revitalizing fur and coat.
  • Improve the condition of lacrimal glands and make eyes brighter
  • Reduced mouth, body and fecal odor
  • Lowers excess fat, keeping them in shape and reducing joint problems
  • Easy digestion and absorption, reduced bowel movements and flatulence
  • New Zealand water added to allow pets to absorb more water and reduce the risk of urinary tract diseases
  • Free Shipping over $280


客戶確認訂單後,一般會於2至5個工作天內收到貨品, 是乎地區而定。如送貨日為公眾假期,送貨安排有可能作出調動。

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客戶確認訂單後,一般會於2至5個工作天內收到貨品, 是乎地區而定。如送貨日為公眾假期,送貨安排有可能作出調動。




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